Our Story

Hello There!

We are presenting ourselves, the two people behind the brand “Le Bon Marché.”

Almost two years ago, we had this business idea, and since then, we’ve been working very hard to give life to this little creature ! We started as individuals who knew nothing about skincare and had no idea how to import products from South Korea—only a great idea!

Over the last couple of years, we have conducted extensive research. We’ve tested many products and used our own skin to demonstrate that these beauty products are worth using and selling to the public. Additionally, we have been seeking different product suppliers and importing small orders from time to time to familiarize ourselves with the entire product chain process and to continuously test!

Nice to meet you!

Who are we ?

Our names are Gonzalo and Juanita, and we’re the founders of this beautiful business project.✨

Juanita, in the first hand, is the person behind everything that’s visual. She’s the main graphic designer and illustrator in the house, responsible for the entire branding and managing all social media. Everything that looks beautiful is because of her ! 🙂

On the other hand, we have Gonzalo, and he’s the person behind all the administrative and technical aspects of the e-commerce business. He’s in contact with the suppliers, conducts all the research, and is currently building the website. Mainly, he handles all the boring stuff that a business needs to function and stay healthy. 🩹

Why are we together in the picture ?

Actually, we’re a couple and have been married for more than 6 years now. This is our first business project together, and sometimes we face some challenges in connecting on the same idea—since we’re working in two completely different business areas (technical vs. visual).⚡

And, at the same time, we love to be together and we’re almost (24/7/365) with each other! We have been like this since we were a couple, and weren’t married yet ! 💖

What value do we want to give you ?

Our desire is to be there for your skincare process!

We would love to guide you, teach you everything there is to know, support you, and care about you!

Actually, we want this business to be as HUMAN as possible! And we must say, it’s quite a challenge to show the world how interested we are in engaging with you!

We want to bring you excellent and innovative products at an affordable price so you can take advantage of this beautiful beauty world that doesn’t need to be plastic or fake, but very human and fun!

What is our vision with this business?

The main vision is to imprint a positive impact on the world’s society. We want to do something more than just being a profitable business. We are donating 10% of every single sale to address human basic needs. If this business becomes a huge success, it will then mean that we will have a significant impact on society in different parts of the world!

We believe that each product sold is one step closer to making something significant enough in people’s lives. So, over time, we will partner with different non-profit organizations that we can trust for their integrity and transparency—so every single donation will go to the right place!

Thank you for being part of the journey, and we welcome you to the “Le Bon Marché” family!

With love,

Gonzalo & Juanita

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